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Google | Dance Trance Fitness - Dance, Fitness, Aerobics, Group Exercise and Fitness


avatarWell, are ready for this? I just had blood work done for my 6 month check-up. I have not had this type of great results since 2008. My glucose level is within the normal range. My total cholesterol has dropped 65mg and my good cholesterol has increased. I have lost weight and inches; my clothes fit so much better. I know that it is all due to DT because I have not changed my eating habits nor added any new supplements.

Barbara Ehmen
Dance Trance Syracuse, IN

I started working out when i was fifteen, I was so used to the regular aerobic classes and the step. I found out about D.T. in my local gym and with no dance background ,at the age of 36 ,decided to give it a try.

Dance Trance was the perfect fit for me because it gave me something to call my own, and it carried me through so many hard times, the latest of which is empty nest syndrome! D.T. has truely been a blessing!

Jill O'Toole
Jacksonville, Florida (San Marco)

Invigorating,love to sweat, music is upbeat, mindblowing

Lynn Scarmack
Jacksonville, FL