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Google | Dance Trance Fitness - Dance, Fitness, Aerobics, Group Exercise and Fitness


avatarI love DT! It is the best to be able to dance choreographed routines to great music and work your brain and your bod! It's so fun, not at all like a boring gym.

Dance Trance San Marco
avatarDT is Wonderful, instructors are friendly and non- judgmental, you can be the worst dancer on earth but no one cares as long as you are giving it your best try...and goal is to get a good work out. This program is great fun for people of all ages, everyone bonds over working hard in dance, fun social events....

Joan Abid
Dance Trance San Marco, Florida
avatarI love Dance Trance because it helps me to release what's on the inside.

Before finding out about Dance Trance I was praying and looking for somewhere to go dance. As an adult it is very expensive and hard to find a dance class. I was going to Zumba and found out that there was a Dance Trance class. I decided to try it out and see if it's what I had been looking for. Sure enough, it was exactly what I had been looking for.

Nicole Sanders
Dance Trance Santa Rosa Beach, Florida