Dance Trance to Hold Demo Class in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dance Trance is expanding quickly and you’ll probably find one near you very soon! In order to increase their market place the Dance Trance crew travels by request to regions where they want to start up their own Dance Trance program. This gives the community a chance to check out what Dance Trance has going on and request that the facility add this program to their schedule!

So far the demo classes have been such a success that students had to be turned away. Most demos are SOLD OUT in a matter of days. That means that Dance Trance is in high demand and people are looking for new alternative ways to get a great workout!

If Dance Trance comes to a region near you, sign up quickly and let your voice be heard. The founders of Dance Trance think that all persons should have access to this dynamic program, might as well be you!!

Demo Information:

NOTE: This demo has been expanded to two classes. and is SOLD OUT.

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